One of the original characters designed during the initial years of the Disney Animation Industry, Minnie Mouse was created in 1928, by Ub Iwerks along with Walt Disney. Full name Minerva Mouse, she made her first appearance in the animated short film ‘Plane Crazy’ (1928) along with the Disney mascot and her intended boyfriend Mickey Mouse.
Now considered one of the best-known cartoon characters and a fashion icon, Minnie has made her way into the hearts of children and adults alike. Her Polka dotted clothes and characteristic bow has become one of the most popular themes for birthday parties, cakes and confectionaries, party invitations as well as costumes and dresses. She also features in countless TV shows, feature films, video games, making her a popular choice for drawing and coloring pages among kids. Here is a collection of 10 unique free printable coloring pages your little ones are sure to love.
The above coloring pages feature Minnie alongside Mickey Mouse for additional fun, while the baby Minnie Mouse coloring pages are just adorable.
Published by: Gopal SahaUpdated on January 15th 2015