Art and crafts are for girls — it is a predominant notion, and we don’t care if it’s true. Here is a huge collection of unique free printable coloring pages, and they’re all for girls. No matter your age, or personality, there are sure to be a couple of coloring sheets to catch your fancy. Do you like food? Go for the girls here who clearly love eating as much as you do. It would be so much fun to add color (and flavor) to their meal. The fashionistas out there would love the chance to color such cute outfits to fit them to the latest trends. Or, you could go for the cute animals, whether it’s a unicorn, a kitten, or a teddy bear.
These would be fun even for adults who still have their inner little princesses preserved well enough to enjoy a couple of fo coloring sheets now and then. Check out the details on the jewelry and accessories, and imagine how awesome it would be to have a go at them with your markers and sparkle pens. Which ones did you pick? Or is it too difficult to pick just one or two? Well, you don’t have to choose; you can have them all, just click on the picture to print them out.