The My Little Pony franchise is in the spotlight for this free and unique set of coloring pages. The pages feature Twilight along with his friends Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash. The ponies seem to have a nice time with these printable pages. One of them depicts Twilight Spark’s mentor, Princess Celestia, the ruler of Equestria. She was the one to send Twilight to Ponyville to study the magic of friendship. And it was a great lesson learned since the little ponies could use the magical power to fight evil. They go on various adventures and solve a lot of problems in and around Ponyville in the TV series. Each episode is a lesson learned in friendship. They could turn Princess Celestia’s villainous sister Nightmare Moon into a repentant Princess Luna who reunites with her sister out of love.
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I love it so much.