The Lightning McQueen is an anthropomorphic stock car that is featured in the Cars animated film and its sequels. It has a curvy, sleek body and has a cute, comic face that easily attracts a child’s eyes. The drawing exercise mainly requires you to get your circles, bends and rarely, straight lines right.
Step 1: Draw a rectangle and a square-like shape to its left.
Step 2: Outline the windscreen, roof and the windows.
Step 3: Draw circular guides for the wheels. A curved line is drawn at the base of the upper protruded car part.
Step 4: Detail the upper and back parts of the automobile with curved lines.
Step 5: Give a curved shape to the frontal part of the car with the help of a couple of connected arches.
Step 6: Give a border to the rear of the car, sketch an arch encircling the rear wheel and end it in a straight line joining it with the front wheel.
Step 7: Detail the other front wheel that is only partially visible.
Step 8: Draw concentric circles for the wheels.
Step 9: Give them detailing by drawing smaller circles at their cores.
Step 10: Shape the tiny nuts at their centers.
Step 11: Start detailing the windscreen and the windows.
Step 12: Draw an angular bonnet fitted with tiny round screws all along its edge. “95” is written in bold at the side of the car.
Step 13: Shape the angular headlights and the zig-zag detailing on the hood of the car.
Step 14: Make the lightning-like shape at the sides of the stock car too.
Step 15: Draw the eyes and the crescent smile surrounded by smaller curves.
Step 16: Darken the wheels highlighting the word, Lightyear, at the top and bottom part of the front tire.
The kids can now color it in its characteristic red, yellow and orange shades. Since there are a considerable number of steps involved, children might need to make a few attempts before getting the drawing perfect.
i drew it . it is very nice