Bakugan Battle Brawlers – the action Adventure series
An adventure anime TV series, The Bakugan Battle Brawlers revolves around the creatures known as Bakugans and their masters, the battle brawlers. All the four seasons – Battle Brawlers, New Vestroia, Gundalian Invaders and Mechtanium Surge – gained widespread popularity, inspiring a number of video games, toy lines, playing cards, comics and manga series.
Bakugan Battle Brawlers Characters
The lead human protagonist Dan and his Bakugan Dragonoid are accompanied by his friends Runo, Marucho, Julie, Shun, Alice, Joe and Jake as well as their Bakugans. The principal characters in Resistance include the 16 year old Mira Clay along with Ace Grit, Baron Leltoy etc.
The neat and unique coloring pages feature the principle characters as well as the Bakugans so kids can pick out their favorite ones and have fun filling the picture with colors.
The easy-to-print coloring pages will allow kids to spend some quality time with their beloved cartoon characters, away from the television set.