How many of us are filled with awe when we watch the flexible and rhythmic body movements of gymnasts during the Olympics or other sports events? Here is an opportunity to put your creative side to work by painting the free and printable pages given below. In the coloring pages dedicated to gymnastics, we can see the gymnasts waltzing across the floor, beams, vaults and bars. Children’s favorite explorer, Dora, can also be seen trying out her skills of the sport on the unique pages. The costumes can be made colorful by using purple, red, yellow and blue shades.
The gymnastics equipment can be given a functional look by coloring them brown, gray and silver. Kids would love the rhythmic form of the sport being performed with ribbons that can be left white. The highlight of one page are the words, I love gymnastics. They can be colored red. It would be fun to watch little hands go into a coloring frenzy to complete the sheets.