The butterfly never fails to attract little ones owing to its far-spread and brightly colored wings. They would grab the opportunity of drawing it. The sketch is pretty simple with a plain, tiny body and large wings with ornate patterns. They would have to draw the guides first before proceeding to the detailing.
Step 1: Draw two overlapping ovals topped with a small circle. They act as guides for the body.
Step 2: Make arches on both sides of the body.
Step 3: Complete the outline of the left forewing.
Step 4: Repeat for the right side.
Step 5: Sketch the drooping left hind wing.
Step 6: Repeat for the right side.
Step 7: Draw the antennae.
Step 8: Darken the outlines of the forewings and detail the serrated left hind wing.
Step 9: Do it on the right side as well.
Step 10: Give borders to the forewings.
Step 11: Make a leaf-like design.
Step 12: Sketch the straight wing veins on the right.

Step 13: Repeat for the right side.
Step 14: Give borders to the hind wings.
Step 15: Make hind wing designs and draw curves on the abdomen.
Step 16: Sketch straight wing veins on the left hind wing.
Step 17: Do it on the right side too.
Step 18: Color the insect.
You can color the insect in bright shades to make it pleasing to the eyes. The curved antennae add to its beauty. The wings are a lovely mix of curved and pointed shapes. Children would be enthralled by the drawing and strive for its perfection.