Pocoyo, an animated preschool series created by Guillermo García Carsí, Luis Gallego and David Cantolla, tells the story of 3 year old boy named Pocoyo. Originally a Spanish cartoon series, the English version of the show has gained widespread popularity in the United States, inspiring a number of movies, games, toys. The little boy and his friends are also a popular theme for costumes, cakes and parties.
Pocoyo Characters
Apart from the lead character in his iconic blue outfit, the show features the characters of Pato, the duck, Ellie, the pink elephant, Loula, Pocoyo’s pet puppy and the little Sleepy Bird. Here is a collection of unique printable Pocoyo coloring pages that allow your kids to spend a few quality hours with their favorite characters from the show.
Let your kids indulge their artistic talents as they fill the pictures with the shades of their choice. The backgrounds and the word “Pocoyo” featured in some of the activity sheets help enhance the learning experience further.