The ninth and the only African American princess in the Disney Princess franchise, Princess Tiana is the leading lady in the 49th animated Disney classic ‘The Princess and the Frog’. The film released in 2009, with the waitress-turned-princess immediately entering the hearts of kids and adults alike. Considered a fashion icon and one of the most popular Disney characters, she has inspired beautiful princess costumes, doll lines, video games, and kids’ accessories while being a common theme choice for birthday parties and cakes.
Her elegant attire and graceful postures make her a favorite among little girls as a subject for online coloring pages. The following collection features 10 unique printable coloring pages featuring Princess Tiana in her spectacular wedding dress as well as her waitress attire. The ones with her husband Prince Naveen are extra fun, whether he is in his human form or is shown as the charismatic frog.
Your little princess is sure to have fun trying to recreate the sparkling, flowing effect of Tiana’s pale green lily pad wedding gown. Her beautiful blue gown and her yellow waitress dress also provide ample opportunity to play with colors.